Police looking into case of suspected fraud

February 15, 2018   ·   0 Comments

Caledon OPP are investigating a report of a suspected fraud in the area.
They received a report Feb. 8. They said a woman received a call from a man the previous day, claiming to be a lawyer. He apparently advised the victim that her daughter had been in a motor vehicle collision for which she was at fault. The caller told the victim that money was required in order to relieve her daughter of charges.
The victim subsequently made two payments to the caller; one for $10,000 and the other for $7,000.
Police remind the public not to send money to anyone they do not know and trust. Always verify a person’s identity before taking any steps to help. Remember, scammers are counting on the fact that victims will want to act quickly to help their loved ones in an emergency. It is important not give out any personal information to someone over the phone, particularly if they do not know who is on the other end of the line.
If you receive a similar phone call as this one, investigate the matter before acting. Ask the person questions that only your loved one would be able to answer and contact other family or friends to verify the story.
Police urge people never to hand over money or personal information, or sign anything until they have done their homework and checked the credentials of whomever they are dealing with.



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